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6. Who is Wu Yifan?
A. He’s a doctor.                     B. He’s a teacher.                    C. He’s an actor.
7. What can he do?
A. He can cook.                       B. He can play tennis.              C. He can dance.
8. Who does the man want to buy a shirt for?
A. His son.                              B. His daughter.                      C. His mother.
9. What size will the man take?
A. Size S.                               B. Size M.                              C. Size L.
10. How much will the man pay?
A.72 yuan.                            B. 144 yuan.                           C. 288 yuan.
第三节: 听独白,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,回答问题。10%
11. How long does it take Peter from home to the school?
A. Twenty minutes.                B. Thirty minutes.                    C. Forty minutes.
12. How does Peter usually go to school?
A. By bus.                             B. By bike.                             C. On foot.
13. How many students are there in the school?
A. 1,650.                              B. 1,560.                                C. 1,065.
14. Where is the park?
A. It’s next to the library.       B. It’s next to the school.          C. It’s o pposite the school.
15. What do Peter and his friends often do in the park?
A. They play basketball.         B. They play football.              C. They play tennis.
16. After the Asian Games, ______ people came to Guangzhou for a visit during holidays. 
A. thousand                B. thousands of          C. five thousands       D. five thousands of
17. ---The sweater is very nice. I’ll take it.
---But you must _________first. I think it is a little large for you.
A. pay for it                B. put it on               C. put it off               D. try it on
18. Would you like______ to drink?
A. something else       B. else someth ing    C. anything else        D. else anything
19. ---Excuse me, how can I get to the Good Restaurant?
   ---Please ______ the street, and then you can find it.
A. walk along             B. go shopping          C. go out                 D. have a picnic
20. We’re looking forward to ____ _____ the Great Wall.
A. visit                       B. visits                    C. visiting                 D. visitting
There are twenty-seven bridges  21  London’s River Thames.  22  all the bridges, Tower Bridge is the most famous. Do you know what  23  Tower Bridges so famous?  24  do so many visitors from all over the world come to see it?
The surprising thing about Tower Bridge is that it is open  25 . It does this to let the big ships go  26  the pool(水域) of London. If you are lucky enough to see the bridge with its two opening arms high in the air, you will never  27  it, it’s really exciting.  
On the north side of the river, there is the Tower of London. The Tower of London and London Bridge look the same, but the Tower of London is much  28  than London Bridge, the Tower of London is almost one thousand years old and the Tower Bridge is only about one hundred. Before they began to build Tower Bridge, the designers(设计师) argued (争论) about it for more than thirty years. It  29  them quite a long time to argue and decide to build the Tower Bridge because they had two  30 , they were very difficult to solve(解决).
21. A . on                         B. above                   C. over                     D. from
22. A. In                          B. From                    C. About                   D. Of
23. A. makes                    B. let                        C. has                       D. does
24. A. What                     B. Why                     C. When                   D. How
25. A. on the left              B. in the middle         C. on the right           D. all the time
26. A. past                       B. on                        C. through                D. into
27. A. remember              B. know                    C. understand            D. forget
28. A. younger                 B. smaller                 C. older                    D. cheaper
29. A. took                      B. spent                    C. paid                     D. cost
30. A. questions                B. problems              C. arms                     D. bridges
四、阅读理解. 30%
Mrs. King is an American doctor. She is now in China. She works in a children’s hospital in Beijing. She is also learning Chinese medicine(中医) there. She likes Chinese medicine very much. She loves working for children. She works hard in the day and reads English books about Chinese medicine at night. She learns Chinese from the Chinese doctors and her Chinese friends. Now she can speak some Chinese. She can read some Chinese books, too.
   Her husband, Mr. King is a teacher. He teaches English in a junior high school in Beijing. He works hard, too. He works from Monday to Friday at school. He teaches three classes every day. Sometimes, on Saturdays and Sundays, he teaches other English classes. He wants to make more money(挣更多钱).
31. Mrs. King works in a _____.
A. shop                                                    B. junior high school in Beijing   
C. hospital in Beijing                                 D. hospital in America
32. Both of the Kings _____.
A. live in America     B. live in Shanghai    C. work hard             D. work every day
33. Mr. King works _____.
A. in a junior high school in Beijing            B. in a children’s hospital in Beijing
C. in a junior high school in America          D. in a children’s hospital in America
34. Mrs. King learns Chinese from _____.
A. her teacher                                           B. the books
C. the doctors                                           D. the Chinese doctors and her Chinese friends
35. How many classes does Mr. King have at school every week?
A. sixteen classes                                       B. seventeen classes
C. fifteen classes                                       D. eighteen classes
Dear Sam,
     I know that you are coming to Hefei next week. Welcome to my home.Let me tell you the way to my house. You will live in Changjiang Hotel on Changjiang Street, won't you? OK! Changjiang Street is a famous and busy street in our city. You can start from your hotel and go straight along Tongcheng Street.You pass two small streets: Hongxing Street and Lujiang Street. When you see an overbridge(高架桥), please tu rn right and go along Huangcheng Street. It's an old street, but it's clean. There's a big park on the street. It's beautiful and clean. When you get to Jinzhai Stre et, please turn left and go along it. You will pass Wuhu Street and Tunxi Street. Then you can see a KFC on your right. There's a supermarket across from the KFC and my house is near the supermarket. There's a pay phone in front of the KFC. Y ou can call me at 418552816 and I will go to meet you.
     I hope you will have a good trip.
36. Where will Sam live in Hefei?
A. Li Li's room          B. Changjiang Hotel   C. Anhui Hotel          D. His friend's house
37. How is Changjiang Street by Lily's words?
A. It's beautiful.         B. It's famous.           C. It's old.                 D. It's famous and busy.
38. How many streets are mentioned(提及) in this letter?
A. 6                         B. 7                          C. 8                          D. 9
39. If Sam can’t find the way, how can he find Lily?
A. call 418522816.    B. call 418558216      C. call 418552816      D. call 418522861
40. What can Sam see on his way?
A. A KFC.                B. A bank.                C. A bookshop.         D. A hospital.
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