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仁爱版八年级下Unit6 Topic 3 Section B随堂练习含答案
仁爱版八年级下Unit6 Topic 3 Section B随堂练习含答案
1. ―We should obey the traffic rules.
―Right. If we break the rules, we’ll ____.
A. get a fine              B. miss a fine            C. keep safe              D. get hurt
2.―What should we wear when we are riding a motorcycle?
―____, of course.
A. Lights                   B. Helmets                C. Glasses                 D. Caps
3. ―How can I ____ Chinese culture?
―There is a lot of information about it on the Internet.
A. learn about           B. learn from             C. talk with                      D. talk to
4.―People should be in ____ clothes while riding at night.
―That’s true. It can help them keep safe.
A. warm color           B. dark-colored         C. light-colored         D. cold color
5. ―____ go to school on foot? The time is enough.
―Good idea.
A. Why don’t            B. Why don’t to               C. Why not to           D. Why not
A: Oh, my God!   (1)    We have to wait for a while.
B: But there is little traffic now.   (2)   
A: You must be crazy. If we cross the road now,   (3)    To be safe is the most important for us.
B: Yes, you’re right.
A: Yesterday there was another accident in Fengtai. It was lucky that no one died. So I think if we all follow the traffic rules,   (4)   
B: I agree with you.
A: We’d better learn more about traffic rules.
B:   (5)    Look, the lights are green. Let’s go.
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